Basic Reading ...

With all of this material staring you in the face, the question arises, “Just where do I start? ... How do I begin to make sense of all this information?” You are not alone in thinking this. Everyone who has been piqued by the ideas presented by Rudolf Steiner has had these same thoughts!

By starting with the Five Basic Books, detailed below, you will have access to those ideas Dr. Steiner thought to be at the foundation of all his later, more advanced anthroposophical writings and lecture courses. This is where to start.

. The Five Basic Books

Rudolf Steiner intended these carefully written volumes to serve as a foundation to all of the later, more advanced anthroposophical writings and lecture courses.

. Books by Other Authors

Here we explore Rudolf Steiner and his works from the viewpoint of some noted authors. Getting other perspectives is vital when approaching these complex studies.

. Education As Seen by Rudolf Steiner

The Waldorf or Steiner School movement is one of the largest private school systems in the world. There are numerous Steiner schools in the United States with programs from kindergarten through high school.

. Adolph Arenson's Top 50 Lecture Cycles

In 1930 Adolph Arenson published his monumental three-volume concordance titled Ein Führer Durch die Vortragszyklen Rudolf Steiners (1–50) — “A Guide to the Lecture Cycles of Rudolf Steiner (1–50)” (Berlin, Selbstverlag, Not Translated). This work — now out of print and exceedingly rare — is of the greatest aid to the student who can read German. Works presented here are those lecture cycles in the Arenson 1–50 which have been translated into English.

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